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Sir John Sherbrooke Junior School

We are a 'Take Care' school

Day 8


Today you are going to be planning your diary entry through the eyes of the lighthouse keeper.

Re-watch the film clip and make notes on: 

- The setting - Where the story is happening.

- The problem - What is the negative (bad) thing that's happening.


Record how you think the lighthouse keeper will be feeling and what he will be thinking at the different parts of the story.

Remember to write in first person (I) as you are pretending to be the lighthouse keeper.

Write in full sentences and first person - use interesting vocabulary.


Up2: We are learning to solve three 1-digit multiplication equations.

Afternoon- Think of one of your favourite places to visit and create a sketch or painting in the style of Monet. Use the pictures and your knowledge from yesterday's lesson to help you create your artwork. If you have any paint at home, can you use this instead of sketching your idea? Add+on: Write a short description of why you decided to sketch that particular place. Is it special to you? Does it contain lots of interesting focal points for your artwork?

  • Sir John Sherbrooke Junior School,
  • Flatts Lane, Calverton, Nottingham,
  • Nottinghamshire, NG14 6JZ,