Curriculum Focus
We have a very full term with lots of exciting topics and activities. Please feel free to support our work with family research at the library or internet.
The topics for the term are:
English: We will be reading and using the text ‘Friend or Foe’ by Michael Morpurgo to cover our English skills as well as exploring biography, diary writing and narrative.
Maths: The children will be concentrating on place value and the four operations: multiplication, division, fractions, decimals and percentages.
WW2: This will be our main topic. We will be looking at how the war started and the different leaders. We will study evacuation, refugees and rationing and the treatment of the Jews. This topic will also involve 3D craft as well as painting and drawing.
RE Pilgrimages: We will also be looking at the beliefs and customs of Judaism, as this fits into our WW2 topic. We hope to arrange a visit to the Holocaust Centre during the term.
Science - our Science topics will have the following foci:
Forces and Light. This will entail investigations and practical activities. We have also enrolled on the BBC Terrific Scientific club. This will provide exciting investigations with our results fed into a national database. The first one is 'Are you a super taster ?' counting the number of taste buds on part of your tongue.
French: This is now a statutory subject so all children will be receiving French lessons on a regular basis.
Music: Children will receive regular singing sessions on a Wednesday with Mrs. Cookson.
P.E: Continues through the term covering Hockey and Fundamentals.
Just another day in 5'O'
Today was just an ordinary day in 5'O' ... or was it ? Mr Outram was not in the classroom, so we had Miss Jackson. Here are some of the things that we got up to.
Since we are starting multiplication, we went into the hall to do a factor hunt.
We had to collect the factors for different numbers. We worked in mixed groups and this required co-operation and focus. At the end we looked well satisfied and pleased.