At SJS we aim to teach a creative curriculum which engages the children and helps them to become the best learners they can be. This means, where possible, we link many of the different subjects to the termly topic theme.
Curriculum Focus
Our topic this term is Ancient Greece and the children are very enthusiastic to learn more about this very important and amazing topic. This will provide the focus for our writing, history, geography and artwork. There are many good websites for the children to visit. As always, a good place to start is:
We will focus on persuasion. We will also look at descriptive writing to develop children's vocabulary. Regular comprehension and grammar work will also be carried out.
In maths we will spend the first term looking at place value and move on to the four operations and will apply these to word problems.
Our aim is to explore computer programming through Scratch.
This term’s science will focus on the Earth, Sun and Moon as well as Changing State.
Every term your child’s topic will involve Art/DT, RE, PSHE, Geography/History.
PE Lessons take place on the following days: Tuesday and Thursday.
Please make sure your child brings their kit into school on a Monday and leaves it in the classroom until the Friday. PE will be basketball and yoga both lead by an external provider.
Our year 5 & 6 topic themes are:
Autumn Term: The Ancient Greeks
Spring Term: The Winter Olympics
Summer Term: Britain Through the Decades