Curriculum Focus
Our topic this term is both ‘The Lost Words’ and World War 2 – we hope the children will be very enthusiastic to learn more about these very important and amazing topics. These will provide the focus for our writing, history, geography, RE and artwork. We are organising a local nature walk where we will pick blackberries, observe an Elder and enjoy a picnic under a Willow tree. Watch this space to enjoy some of our rich pickings. We are also hoping to visit the National Holocaust Centre near Newark, to learn more about the challenging and important aspect of the conflict.
There are many good websites for the children to visit. As always, a good place to start is:
We will focus on the non-fiction book, ‘The Lost Words’ where we will explore non-chronological reports and poetry along with creative art work. The novel Friend or Foe by Michael Morpurgo which deals with evacuees from London will be used as a stimulus to write diaries and letters. Our regular comprehension and grammar work will also continue.
In maths we will spend the first part of the term looking at place value along with the four operations. This will include calculations as well as reasoning and problem solving activities.
Our aim is to explore E-safety to ensure children can make good choices and stay safe when using electronic devices.
This term’s science will focus on properties and changes of materials.
Every term your child’s topic will involve Art/DT, RE, PSHCE, Geography/History.
PE Lessons take place on the following days: Tuesdays and Fridays (Bramble and Willow), Monday and Wednesday (Elder).
Please make sure your child brings their kit into school and keeps it in the classroom until the end of term as we may have other sporting activities outside of these times.