Spring Term:
Curriculum Focus
Our topic this term is World War 2 and the children are very enthusiastic to learn more about this very important and amazing topic. This will provide the focus for our writing, history, geography, RE and artwork. We aim to organise a visit to the National Holocaust Centre near Newark, to learn more about this challenging and important aspect of the conflict.
There are many good websites for the children to visit. As always, a good place to start is: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryhistory/world_war2/
We will focus on the novel Friend or Foe by Michael Morpurgo. The story deals with evacuees from London and we will use this as a stimulus to write diaries and letters. We will also look at biographical writing to learn about some of the leaders involved in WW2. Our regular comprehension and grammar work will also continue.
In maths we will spend the first part of the term looking at fractions, decimals and percentages and apply these to word problems. We will move onto Algebra during the second half of term.
Our aim is to explore making films using the i pads and understanding how to stay safe online.
This term’s science will focus on the Earth, Sun and Moon and light.
Every term your child’s topic will involve Art/DT, RE, PSHE, Geography/History.
PE Lessons take place on the following days: Thursday and Friday.
Please make sure your child brings their kit into school on a Monday and leaves it in the classroom until the Friday. PE will be Throwing and Catching Games such as Bench Ball, Dodge Ball and Cross-Country on Thursdays and to prepare for the up coming competition, Corss-Country will take place on Fridays .
Autumn Term:
Curriculum Focus
We have a very full term with lots of exciting topics and activities. Please feel free to support our work with family research at the library or internet.
The topics for the term are:
English: We will be reading and using the text ‘How to Train Your Dragon’ by Cressida Cowell to cover our English skills as well as exploring the seasons through description
Maths: The children will be concentrating on place value and the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
The Vikings:This will be our main topic. We will be looking at lifestyles of the Vikings. We will look at the differences between their homes and daily lives with our own. This topic will also involve 3D craft as well as painting and drawing.
RE Festivals of Light: We will also be looking at the beliefs of different Autumn Festivals from around the world such as Divali, Hannukah and the traditions of the Christmas Story that have light as central to their celebrations. These will include lots of stories and creative activities.
Science - our Science topics will have the following focus:
Could Spiderman really exist? Children will investigate this question by describing the classification of living things based on similarities and differences.
Can you feel the force? Children will learn about the different forces and this will be linked to our Viking topic.
French: This is now a statutory subject so all children will be receiving French lessons on a regular basis.
Music: Children will receive regular singing sessions on a Wednesday with Mrs. Cookson.
P.E: Continues through the term covering Basketball, Gymnastics and Fundamentals.