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Sir John Sherbrooke Junior School

We are a 'Take Care' school


At SJS, we aim to do a range of transition activities to help the children start our school, move classes/year groups and leave our school for KS3. These activities and lesson are dependant on the stage, age and needs of the children.


Year 2 transition is likely to include:

  • Staff from SJS visiting Manor Park Infants
  • SJS staff leading an assembly for children at Manor Park
  • Children being brought for a walk around
  • Orienteering afternoon at SJS
  • Family picnic and in school lesson/activity
  • Day in SJS with their new teacher
  • Extra transition for children who need it
  • SJS staff visiting Manor Park at various times throughout the year


Year 3 - 5 transition is likely to include:

  • Transition lessons
  • A day with their new class teacher in their new classroom
  • Extra transition support for children who need it


Year 6 transition is likely to include:

  • Weekly lessons at Colonel Frank Seeley Secondary Academy (CFS) in June/July
  • Staff from CFS visiting SJS
  • A day's transition to new secondary school
  • Transition lessons in class
  • Time spent at CFS at other times during the year or in previous year groups
  • Extra visits and support for children who need it

Moving schools - a parent guide

  • Sir John Sherbrooke Junior School,
  • Flatts Lane, Calverton, Nottingham,
  • Nottinghamshire, NG14 6JZ,