Use the sheet provided to research a whole host of computers through history. They may not be as technologically advanced as they are now - but you or your adult helpers may remember them fondly! Good luck!
Lesson Two - Computing - Design a Computer of the future
This lesson is down to you! Have a look at the computers you researched yesterday and now design your very own computer which may be available in the future. Let your imaginations run wild as these designs can be as accurate or as inaccurate as you want, as long as you can justify your design!
Lesson Three - Art - Olaf Falafal
Check out the link below to Olaf's website. He hosts an Art lesson each Monday morning - so check out his latest one and see what you think of it! We could use some in the future when we are back at school!
Lesson Four - Art - Op Art Project
This is definitely one of my favourite projects to complete as there are so many different designs you can use on your cube! Research Op Art yourself if you wish, or use the examples provided to complete a different piece of Op Art on each side of your cube. Then construct your cube at the end to produce an incredible piece of Artwork.