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Sir John Sherbrooke Junior School

We are a 'Take Care' school

SJS on TV & Radio

SJS in BBC local news - Shakespeare Week launch performance.

Still image for this video

SJS on the News 11.03.21

The children share their Census lessons (at the start and end of the segment).

Miss M on BBC Breakfast 06.03.21

Advice on coming back to school.

Miss M BBC Radio Nottingham 01.03.21

Final SJS segment of shutdown - time to celebrate.

Miss M on BBC Radio Nottingham 22.02.21

Tips and challenges for this week.

Miss M BBC Radio Nottingham Tip - 08.02.21

Tip and challenge

Radio Challenge 01.02.21

Miss Maddison asks everyone to set a challenge for someone else.

Radio Nottingham Tip/Challenge 19.01.21

Read to a pet & host a formal Friday.

SJS Radio Nottingham Tip & Challenge of the Week 11.01.21

This week's radio challenge. Don't forget to tag BBC Radio Nottingham in your images.

SJS on TV & Radio during Lockdown 2020
  • Sir John Sherbrooke Junior School,
  • Flatts Lane, Calverton, Nottingham,
  • Nottinghamshire, NG14 6JZ,