Welcome to Week 4 English (27.04.20 - 01.05.20)
The main focus this week is to develop your grammar and punctuation skills through the use of images. A brief overview of what we are expecting from you is below!
Monday - This is your writing lesson. Attempt the story starter activity based on the two pictures you can see, one of a dice being played by giants and the other of an alchemist and her new creation. Have a think about which one interests you more before continuing your story starters.
Tuesday - Focus on your sentence challenges today. One involved using verbs to set a scene and the other writing a description of how a Piano has changed over time. By all means, if you have time left attempt the other activities too!
Wednesday - Our final focus is the 'Question time' slide and let your ideas and imagination run wild by answering the questions based on the 'Mysterious Shadow'.
Thursday - Attempt as many SPAG word mats as you can - some will be trickier than others. Answers are at the back of the files for you, but try to draw upon all your knowledge of grammar and punctuation targets this year to solve the problems set. Good luck!
Friday - Complete the comprehension questions relating to the First News Article. Again, answers are on the file for you to check at the end.
Have fun this week and stay safe!