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Sir John Sherbrooke Junior School

We are a 'Take Care' school


Homework at SJS


We believe that homework is a great way for children to extend their learning at home, with support from their adults and prepare them for KS3. However, we also believe that it should be manageable and not take up too much time, allowing for families to spend quality time together, gaining the life experiences that are vital for a child to become the best they can be and have the best opportunities in life.  


All children have a Homework Planner that sets out the expectations for each week, as well as providing extra support and information.


All children are expected to learn a set of up to 10 spelling each week, practice their focused times table and read at least 3 times with an adult each week. All of this should be recorded in their Homework Planner.


When the children move into Year 5/6 they are also expected to complete one arithmetic and one comprehension sheet each week. These will have been pre taught in lessons with the children and once the child has spent around 20/30 mins on the work they should stop, even if it's not finished. This extra homework reflects the age and stage the children are at and will help prepare them for the increase in homework at KS3.


Homework will be given out each week and sent via Marvellous Me, where possible. Please speak with your class teacher if your child has not brought home their homework. Please also be aware that it is down to each child to change their colour banded book when they have finished reading it with you at home - please remind them of this or speak with the class teacher for more support.


Book Box Challenge Homework - deadline 23rd Feb

  • Sir John Sherbrooke Junior School,
  • Flatts Lane, Calverton, Nottingham,
  • Nottinghamshire, NG14 6JZ,