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Sir John Sherbrooke Junior School

We are a 'Take Care' school

Schemes of Learning

Our curriculum for online safety comes in many forms, including:


  • Safer Internet Day
  • Google Be Internet Legends Scheme of Work
  • Anti-Bullying Week
  • Half-termly online safety lessons
  • PSHE
  • Assemblies

During the first half term of Autumn each year, each class complete a specific Online Safety unit from our scheme of learning for Computing - Kapow! 

This helps children to develop their understanding of current trends and issues within Online Safety including how to spot reliable information and what to do to keep us safe online.


We recap our online safety rules each time we go online in school and remind ourselves again during Safer Internet Day in February each year.



  • Sir John Sherbrooke Junior School,
  • Flatts Lane, Calverton, Nottingham,
  • Nottinghamshire, NG14 6JZ,