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Sir John Sherbrooke Junior School

We are a 'Take Care' school


SJS are committed to providing a well rounded education, that focuses on developing the Whole Child, not just their academic skills. Residentials and trips are part of our core offer and fundamental to our school ethos. Every year group in school not only has access to high quality trips each year, but they also each go on a different residential each year.


Year 3 - Shining Cliff Woods

A one night stay in a cabin in the woods. The children take part in a range of woodland activities including a campfire.


Year 4 - Boggle Hole

A two night stay in the Boggle Hole Youth Hostel, on the coast. This trip focuses on the English coast and the children take part in a range of activities including rock pooling, crabbing, a boat ride on the sea and much more.


Year 5 - York

A two night stay in the York Youth Hostel, on the coast. This trip focuses on exploring an historical city, with the children taking part in a range of activities including going to DIG (archaeology), Jorvik (Vikings), The Chocolate Experience and much more.


Year 6 - Walesby Adventure Base

A two night stay at an out-of-bounds centre. This trip focuses on challenging the children to take on adventurous activities such as Rock Climbing, Air Rifles, 3G Swing, Archery and much more.



* There is also an overnight sleepover / late night in school for children who can't access the main residentials, due to their needs. Plus a one day residential experience for those children who can't stay overnight.

  • Sir John Sherbrooke Junior School,
  • Flatts Lane, Calverton, Nottingham,
  • Nottinghamshire, NG14 6JZ,